This is an archived app called Brewzor.
Info posted below is what first appeared on the Brewzor app site in 2010. Added here for archive. Note, we are not the designers of this app.
What is Brewzor Brewing Calculator?
The goal of this application is to provide a set of tools a person could actually use during their brew day.
I appreciate other calculators that provide things like SRM calculation and Alcohol calculators, but I don’t need those while I’m brewing.
What calculators are included?
Gravity Correction: What do you do when you miss your pre-boil gravity? Not correcting gravity before adding your hops can affect the hop utilization and perceived bitterness of your beer. If your gravity is too low, the calculator will tell you how much extract to add to your kettle to bring the gravity up to your pre-boil level. If the gravity is too high, the calculator will tell you how much water to add to dilute your wort to the desired pre-boil gravity.
To use the gravity calculator, enter the current gravity, desired gravity and wort volume values into the fields provided. Dilution or concentration instructions are automatically calculated and will appear below the entry fields.
The formulas used to calculate the gravity corrections were based on information found here.
Extract PG for LME = 44
Extract PG for DME = 36
Amount of DME = (GUtarget – GUmash) / 36
Amount of LME = (GUtarget – GUmash) / 44
Water for dilution = (GUmash / GUtarget) – Volumepre-dilution
Cylinder Volume / Cylinder Height: Accurately measuring volume can be difficult. Since my kettle has a flat bottom and is round (a cylinder), I can use a calibrated stick (like a yard stick or a marked wooden dowel) to measure the liquid height and the diameter of my kettle, making it easy to calculate the volume.
The formula used for volume is: Volume = Pi * (Diameter / 2) 2 * Height
The formula used for height is: Height = Volume / Pi * (Diameter / 2) 2
Use the Cylinder Volume Calculator if you know the wort height and would like to know the wort volume. Enter the measured height, kettle diameter and your false bottom height. If you do not have a false bottom, enter a zero. The calculated volume will display below the entry fields once all data has been entered.
Use the Cylinder Height Calculator if you know the wort volume and would like to know the wort height. Enter the desired volume, kettle diameter and your false bottom height. If you do not have a false bottom, enter a zero. The calculated height will display below the entry fields once all data has been entered.
Additional Settings :
- The values for kettle diameter and false bottom height can be defined via the Settings screen.
If “Correct for heat expansion” is selected in preferences, a button will be displayed above the result. Clicking the button will either no nothing or add /subtract the value defined in Cooling LossPercentage preference (usually 4%).
Kettle Diameter
The diameter of your kettle in Distance Units (inches, centimeters).
False Bottom
If you have a false bottom and are measuring wort height, the value of wort below the false bottom needs to be accounted for. Enter the height of your false bottom in Distance Units. If you don’t have a false bottom, just enter a zero.
Correct volume for heat expansion
When checked, the volumes presented will be adjusted for heat expansion or cooling loss when appropriate. The calculator will also display the expansion / loss volume on the screen when it is being used.
Strike Temperature: Used to determine the temperature of your initial mash strike water for a given amount of grain and a given amount of strike water.
The sparge water temperature will appear below the entry fields once all data has been entered.
The formulas used to determine strike temperature were based on information found here and here.
Tstrike = strike water temperature in °F
Ttarget = target mash temperature in °F
Tgrain = dry grain temperature in °F
R = Water to grain ration in quarts per pound (usually around 1 – 1.25)
Tstrike = (0.2 ÷ R) X (Ttarget – Tgrain) + Ttarget
Additional Settings :
- The setting Water to Grain Ratio will automatically calculate the sparge water volume. This is usually between 1-2 quarts / pound or its equivalent of you choose other units. When this value is greater than zero, the Sparge Water entry field in the calculator is disabled since the volume is calculated automatically.
Batch Sparge: Computes the amount of water to add to the mash for batch sparging. Adjusts volume for grain absorption.
Batch sparging is a great way to save time at the expense of a little efficiency. It has been determined that the best extraction efficiency is obtained by having equal run-off volumes. That said, the resulting thinner mash would change the mash chemistry. It is recommended that you mash at a “normal” water to grain ratio (1-1.25 quarts / pound of grain) and then add sparge water to the mash tun to bring it up to the suggested water to grain ratio accounting for water loss due to grain absorption.
The formulas used to calculate batch sparge volumes are (volume units can be anything as long as they are the same throughout):
WaterToGrainRatio = .31 gallons/pound (or whatever you’ve set in preferences) GrainAbsorptionRatio = .13 (or whatever you’ve set in preferences)
StrikeWaterVolume = WaterToGrainRatio * GrainWeight
GrainAbsorptionVolume = GrainAbsorptionRatio * GrainWeight
Boil Off: Helps determine evaporation and cooling loss for a boil.
Enter the starting volume, evaporation rate, boil time in minutes and the cooling loss percentage.
- Boil minutes is usually 60 – 90 minutes.
- Evaporation Rate is usually 3% for mash temperatures and 4% for boiling.
- Cooling Loss the percent loss per hour for your kettle. This is usually in the range of 5-15%. If you are in doubt, start with a value of 10%.
Alcohol / Attenuation: Calculates the ABV%, ABW%, Apparent Attenuation, and Real Attenuation.
This calculator is used to determine the amount of alcohol by weight and by volume in addition to the real and apparent attenuation.
The formulas used were based on information found here.
Real Extract = 0.1808 * ºP(initial) + 0.8192 * ºP(final)
Refractometer: Several calculations for determing gravity when using a refractometer.
A note About Brix:
I wasn’t able to find a definitive definition of Brix. It seemed to boil down to one of two things. Either it is a refinement of the Balling system that uses a slightly different modulus than Plato and thus produces very similar results. Or, Brix is a ”corrected” version of Plato used with refractometers. Generally there is a correction factor that is applied to the refractometer reading (in Brix) that will then give you a reading in Plato. I chose to do a combination of both. The Brix Gravity Unit applies the correction factor throughout the application when necessary. This means you can measure your mash gravity in Brix and it other results will be automatically adjusted.
Formulas used were based on information found here.
The Refractometer Calculator is broken into for sub-calculators:
Unfermented Wort:
This is used to determine the Specific Gravity of wort when measured by a refractometer. The correction factor is used to account for non-sucrose elements in the wort.
Carbonation:Calculates the required priming sugar (bottle conditioning) or PSI (kegging) required to carbonate a given volume of beer to a number of volumes of CO2.
This calculator is meant as a guide only. Using the incorrect amount of priming sugar can cause bottles to explode and is extremely dangerous. If the amount recommended by the calculator seems wrong, it probably is. You should take all necessary steps to ensure you don’t over-carbonate your beer as that can result in extreme bodily harm, death and definitely bad beer.
The formula for setting the regulator to the correct pressure in pounds per square inch for the desired level of carbonation was taken from the BYO article found here.
P = Pressure in PSI (pounds/inch2)
T = Temperature of beer in °F
V = Volume of CO2
P = -16.6999 – (0.0101059 * T) + (0.00116512 * T2) + (0.173354 * T * V) + (4.24267 * V) – (0.0684226 * V2)
The formula for determining the residual CO2 and calculating priming sugar were based on the pages found here, here, and here.
ResidualCO2 = 3.0378 – 5.0062e-2 * Temp°F + 2.6555e-4 * Temp°F
CornSugargrams = 4.02 * Volumeliters * (VolumesCO2 – ResidualCO2)
TableSugargrams = 3.82 * Volumeliters * (VolumesCO2 – ResidualCO2)
DMEgrams = (510.0 / 75.0) * Volumeliters * (VolumesCO2 – ResidualCO2)
Hydrometer Correction: Don’t feel like cooling your sample down to 60F to take a gravity measurement? This calculator determines the corrected gravity for a sample based on the temperature.
Don’t feel like cooling your sample down to 60F to take a gravity measurement? This calculator determines the corrected gravity for a sample based on the temperature. This calculator works for hydrometers that are calibrated to 60F. Enter the reading from your hydrometer and the temperature of your sample. The result will be displayed below the entry fields once the data has been entered.
The formula used to determine temperature correction for hydrometer was based on information found here and here.
Correction(60°F calibration) = 1.313454 – (0.132674 * T) + (2.057793e-3 * T2) – (2.627634e-6 * T3)
The correction formula used that accounts for different calibration temperatures:
SGmeasured = measured SG of the sample
SGcorrected = corrected SG of the sample
Tsample = Temperature in °F of the sample
Tcalibration = Calibration temperature of your hydrometer – usually 60°F or 68°F
SGcorrected = SGmeasured * ( (1.00130346 – 0.000134722124 * Tmeasured + 0.00000204052596 * Tmeasured2 – 0.00000000232820948 * Tmeasured3) / (1.00130346 – 0.000134722124 * Tcalibration + 0.00000204052596 * Tcalibration2 – 0.00000000232820948 * Tcalibration3))
Unit Converters: Converters for gravity, mass, volume, distance and temperature are included.
Converters for gravity, mass, volume, distance and temperature are included. They aren’t meant to include every measurement and are mostly included for convenience.
Gravity Formula:
Formula used to convert Specific Gravity to Plato:
P = (668.72 * SG) – 463.37 – (205.347 * SG2 )
Formula used to convert Plato to Specific Gravity:
SG = ((0.082636 + (3.8480 * P) + (0.014563 * P2 ))) / 1000) + 1
Formula used to convert Specific Gravity to Gravity Units:
GU = (SG – 1) * 1000
What units are supported?
Mass: Gram, Kilogram, Ounce, Pound
Volume: Milliliter, Liter, Quart, Gallon, and many others
Gravity: SG, Plato, GUs, Brix
Temperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius
Length/Distance: Inches and Centimeters (Used for calculating kettle volumes if set in Preferences)
Pressure: PSI, kPa, bar, atmosphere